Something big is happening. On 1 Feb, as many as 500,000 workers – mostly in the public sector – were out on strike as part of the largest wave of industrial disputes in decades. In every single dispute, the government is at its heart.
It’s offering a paltry 4% to 5% annual wage increase when the cost of living is now skyrocketing to more than 10% a year. Sunak and his chancellor Hunt claim we must “fight inflation.” The real message is that NHS nurses and rail workers and teachers should take the heat… and the pain.
And hundreds of thousands of NHS nurses and rail workers and teachers and posties (and the rest!) have replied: “NO WAY.” We want “FAIR PAY” … and a huge improvement in public services.
There is a clear relationship between the unfair way the government is treating these workers and the unfair way we elect governments. In every election, millions of votes are essentially binned. So GET PR DONE! is launching the “FAIR PAY / FAIR VOTING” campaign to draw attention to this relationship.
We’ve produced a professionally-designed four-page flyer — the cover is above — and the plan is to pass out thousands of copies of the flyer on picket lines and at support rallies across the UK. And to chat with people about why we need to bring in PR to elect all future governments after the next election.
Want to join the campaign? Want us to post your copies of the flyer? Write ASAP to: getprdone@gmail.com
The key aspect of the campaign will be passing out flyers and talking to strikers on picket lines and at the numerous rallies in cities and towns across the UK in the coming weeks. We will be appointing LOCAL REPS to coordinate this work on their own home terrain. We already have local reps in Darlington, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol and London…and more are coming all the time. Manchester? Liverpool? Hull? Doncaster? Milton Keynes? Cornwall? Kent? Brighton? Let us know.
If you would like be a local rep, please contact us ASAP at getprdone@gmail.com. We will have a chat on Zoom or by phone, discuss what the task involves, and arrange how to post an initial shipment of 200 (or more) flyers.
Please share this recent GPRD video; it is one minute and fourteen seconds long.
Other videos are freely accessible here: https://www.youtube.com/c/GetPRDone
GET PR DONE! is a cross-party / no-party group that has been campaigning — and campaigning HARD! — for proportional representation voting since we were established in January 2020.