In January 2020, GET PR DONE! started as a small Facebook group of about 20-25 dedicated campaigners for proportional representation (PR) voting. PR is not a silver bullet and it would not solve all of the ills of our broken political culture. We do think, however, that building a voting system in which seats won match votes cast is a very good place for political reformers to start.
Today, more and more people agree. PR is now being debated and discussed in ever widening circles. Our Facebook group has expanded to nearly 3000 members. And we have an additional mailing list to ensure we reach people who do not use Facebook. You can sign up to our mailing list here. We also have an active Twitter account with nearly 14,000 followers.
In order to expand the ambition of our work, in August 2022, GET PR DONE! incorporated as a company limited by guarantee (Company number 14289001). We have four directors: Alan Story, Barry Howard, Richard Godfrey and William Relton. A dedicated team of volunteers works on different activities. The PR Meme Factory creates and distributes pro-PR memes on Facebook and Twitter. The blogs team produces provocative and well-researched pieces, and our distribution team posts them on varied Facebook sites, in political publications and on Twitter. Our talks team coordinates public Zoom meetings with high profile speakers from near and far. Since 2020, we have produced sixteen talks and they are distributed on our YouTube channel. Our Councils for PR team works exclusively on encouraging and supporting local councillors to pass a motion in support of PR for Westminster elections.
GET PR DONE! is a firm advocate of cooperative working. We are a cross-party/no-party group. We believe that our best chance of achieving PR is through the combined strength of the growing PR movement. We believe that we demonstrate consensus politics through working cooperatively and openly. We have worked alongside Compass, Labour for a New Democracy, the Electoral Reform Society, and Make Votes Matter. In the winter of 2022, we initiated the Councils for PR project and invited Make Votes Matter to work in partnership with us.
We currently have no paid staff and rely upon volunteers and donations. If you want to support the fight for electoral reform, we are grateful for donations. We are activists and campaigners. We debate and discuss constantly. We definitely do NOT think we have all of the answers. We do take our aims very seriously. Whatever successes we have had are down to the passions, the brains, the grit, the good humour and quirkiness of our members.
Do join us on the long march to GET PR DONE! and to give more POWER TO THE VOTERS.